Five Halloween Night Rituals You Probably Never Heard of

IIt’s almost time for Halloweenone of the most famous festivals in the world and a night in which many rituals are performed.

Here come look at Five Halloween rituals you’ve probably heard about by now or know a lot about.

Halloween Ritual Moon

With this ritual, you get a crystal chest and place it in a place that receives moonlight.

When the light falls, she says, “In a vessel of a transparent substance, I maintain this force unequally.”

Then, later in the year, it is believed that you can summon up the energy stored in the chest and do it three times.

When you open the chest, you must repeat “Part of the lunar force you see here, give me your strength first”, before changing the last portion for “a second time” and a “third time” on each occasion.

Protect your home and business

With this ritual, you go out on Halloween night in search of foliage and the usual fruits of autumn, such as chestnuts or apples.

They should then be placed in all corners in odd numbers until November 3rd, the idea being that they will protect your home or business for a year.

Halloween Ritual of Abundance

For this spell, you need to put seven grains of rice, a handful of oats and alfalfa sprouts in a clay or ceramic bowl.

Then, you can use a match to set fire to everything in the bowl, before walking around the house to spread the burning spell.

The point is to ask for prosperity and hope to come into your home and family.

love rituals

There’s even a love ritual for Halloween. With this you get a glass of water, a bowl, two cinnamon sticks and a red candle and go into a quiet room.

Write on a piece of paper your name and the six aspects of the relationship that caused you pain.

Next, light a candle, but do not burn anything. You read aloud what you have written three times and imagine that these fears fade away.

good luck rituals

With this last rite, the key is chestnut. On the night of Halloween, each family member should put chestnuts on a white cloth, and write the initials of each person on the chestnuts with a marker.

Then cover the chestnuts with bay leaves and cinnamon sticks and close the fabric with a knot.

The next morning, each member is given a chestnut to hold and touch in times of anxiety, such as exams or job interviews.



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